This Privacy Policy was last updated on August 11, 2021

  1. Overview

Thank you for visiting (this domain and all pages using such domain, collectively referred to as “Website”) and reviewing our Privacy Policy, which applies to your visit and use of the Website, as well as Athlete Management System web app (“App;” Website and App are collectively referred to as “Services”). This Privacy Policy applies only to how RockDaisy LLC (“Company” or “we” or “us”) collects and uses your information, and does not necessarily describe information collection practices on other sites, services, or 3rd parties, including those linked to or from the Services.

By visiting the Website, creating an account on the Website or App, using the App, or otherwise using our Services, you consent and agree to be bound by this Privacy Policy and the Cookie Policy available at, whose terms are incorporated by reference. This Privacy Policy is subject to the Website Terms and Conditions at

  1. What Type of Information We Collect.

If you visit the Website, we may store some of your information on your computer in the form of a “cookie” or similar file to help us maintain and improve these Services in many ways. A “cookie” is a small amount of data that is transferred to your browser by a web server and can only be read by the server that gave it to you. It functions as an identifier, recording such things as Internet addresses, session IDs, and preferences. Our Website will request your permission prior to installing cookies, and will retain your preference to accept cookies on subsequent visits.

Alternatively, with most Internet browsers, you can erase cookies from your computer hard drive, block all cookies, or receive a warning before a cookie is stored. The “Help” portion of the toolbar on most browsers will tell you how to prevent your browser from accepting new cookies, how to have the browser notify you when you receive a new cookie, or how to disable cookies altogether. Please refer to your browser instructions to learn more about these functions. Enabling cookies allows you to take full advantage of all the features on the Services and we recommend that you leave them turned on. If you elect to block the cookies, we may not be able to provide you with a personalized experience on our Services.

We collect other personally identifiable information only as voluntarily provided by you, such as when you set up an account, make an email inquiry to us, make a payment, or to provide your shipping information. We do not collect personally identifiable information, via either the Website or the App, except as explicitly and voluntarily provided by you.

While Using The App

The functions and Services into the App may prompt or require you to input accurate personal information, including but not limited to personally identifiable information and certain health information. The App stores such information you provide in a cloud server hosted by Amazon Web Services as contracted by us; we will not collect, use, access, or store this data input by you, except to the extent necessary to cooperate with authorities pursuant to applicable law, or to maintain, analyze, or restore technical functions and issues. The information is stored for your use and access to facilitate and maximize your use of the App’s features. For more information about how Amazon Web Services treats your information while stored on its servers, please visit and

Your input into the Website or App may be stored locally on your device or your device’s cloud servers and be subject to your device’s privacy policy. We highly recommend you contact your respective device manufacturer and network service provider for more information on how those parties may store or use your information input into your device.

App Input Information

While using the App, as a natural part of its features, you may input information about yourself or about others, including with respect to athletics, performance, health, medical conditions, injuries, rehabilitation programs, ethnicity, family history, physical attributes (e.g. height, weight, and age), and other information the user finds useful or relevant while using the App. All such information that you voluntarily submit into the App is referred to herein as “App Input Information.”

  1. How We Use Your Information

The information collected by us through cookies, if you have opted in to cookies, is used solely for the purpose of providing the Services available on the Website and App, such as functionality. If you have made an account with us for use of the App or any other Services, we collect and store your account information solely for sign-in and verification purposes. We may contact you by email or other contact information provided by you solely to respond to inquiries, provide Services you specifically request, or to verify or assist you in updating account information. If you voluntarily provide us your personal information with respect to inquiries, comments, or complaints with respect to our products or services, we will store and/or use that information solely to the extent necessary to respond to you and maintain our relationship with you with respect to your initial correspondence. Your payment information for our App is not stored by us, and is relayed to third party payment processors solely for the processing of payment of a purchase. In some circumstances, we may use your information to protect against fraud, illegal activity, or violation of our terms of service (including using our discretion to decline fulfilling order for certain purchasers, as described in the terms of service), or to meet our other legal obligations, including but not limited to cooperating with law enforcement authorities as required under applicable law.

The Company is not responsible or liable for any information you provide to third parties, whether through the Website, App, mobile device and/or its operating system, app store, a third-party link or website, social media page, or otherwise. Upon creating an account, you assume the risk that your password is safe from interception or hack attempts by any other third party; you are responsible for ensuring your login information is sufficiently unique and kept safe from other third parties.

For inquiries on how your information is collected and used by third parties, you must visit the privacy policy or send an inquiry to the respective third party. Except as provided below in Section 4, Third Party Cookies and Data Collection, or as specifically permitted by you in writing, we do not sell any of your personally identifiable information for any reason.

Employees and Users Under Contract By Customer

In addition to the other uses provided in this Privacy Policy, if you are a user that is an employee of, or a person under contract by, a customer that has authorized you to access or use their account or Services, or that has purchased paid Services for you that you intend to use, we will request and use your information, including name, email address, employer, phone number, or other personally identifiable information provided by you solely to verify that you are the user authorized by the third party customer. No such information will be shared with the third-party customer other than verification that the information provided by you matches the credentials provided by the third-party customer, and in all such cases no verification will be made without your knowledge.

App Input Information

The use and value of App Input Information increases when such information is compared to the App Input Information from other users and information from other people. We may use, combine (with other data, including data from third party sources), reproduce, publicize, license, distribute, sell, commercialize and disclose to third parties “Anonymized Information”, which is de-identified information that has been derived from a user’s App Input Information, and aggregated with the data of other persons (including data from other users and third party sources) to minimize the exposure of individual information while still being useful. We de-identify aggregated Anonymized Information by removing any personally identifiable information that is directly related to a particular user (such as name, address and email). We also take reasonable measures to ensure that such information is non-identifiable, meaning that it would not be reasonably foreseeable that the information could be utilized, either alone or with other information readily available, to identify a person or to connect a person to any particular data, and make efforts to disclose only the minimum amount of Anonymized Information necessary for the particular purposes. Finally, we will use contractual means to protect the privacy and security of Anonymized Information when working with third parties.

By using the App, you grant us consent to use your App Input Information to create Anonymized Information and use, sell, license, distribute, and commercialize such Anonymized Information. You further represent and warrant that you have the explicit consent of all persons to whom App Input Information may be attributable to input such information into the App, and that such persons are aware of the terms of this Privacy Policy

Other than having the benefit of anticipated improvements to our services, you will not receive any direct financial or other benefit from our use of Anonymized Information, including, without limitation, our sale of Anonymized Information data sets to third parties, and as determined from time to time, other monetization activities.

  1. Third Party Cookies and Data Collection

In addition to the information we collect and use, as provided in Sections 2 and 3, we also permit third parties to install cookies and therefore to collect and use information. Please visit for information on third party cookies used by the Services, and how you may opt out of their collection of your data.

  1. Indemnification

You agree to indemnify, defend and hold harmless the Company and its shareholders, managers, officers, employees, agents and the assigns of same, from and against any and all loss, costs, expenses (including reasonable attorneys' fees and expenses), claims, damages and liabilities related to or associated with your use of the Services, the information you voluntarily provide, and any violation of this Privacy Policy by you. You represent and warrant that all information provided by you is not fraudulent, does not impersonate another person, does not infringe the intellectual property rights of any other person, does not violate any law, regulation, rule, or code, and does not give rise to a cause of action by a third party.

  1. Governing Law and Jurisdiction

This Privacy Policy constitutes a contract made under and shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of New York.

  1. Last Update

We reserve the right to update this privacy policy at any time. We recommend that you check this page periodically in order to stay informed of any Privacy Policy changes. You can determine the date of the last update via the date in this paragraph.

  1. Contact Information

Questions or comments regarding the Services, this Privacy Policy, or requests to opt out of the Services collecting your information, should be sent by email to or by U.S. mail to

RockDaisy, LLC
79 Madison Ave
New York, NY 10016