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Problem Companies and organizations serving multiple clients at the same time need to deliver similar reports (yet with different data points for each client). Creating a new report from scratch for each client is onerous and time consuming. Costs increase and productivity is reduced when companies generate new reports for every single client. Solution With [...]
Problem Organizations invest a considerable amount of time and resources into the creation of reports, which analyze and clarify financial goals, business practices, marketing impacts, and other pertinent information. The organization disseminates these reports both internally (to staff) and externally (to clients). But how are the reports being used by clients and staff? Is all [...]
When most people think of data analysis tools, they think of exploratory platforms like Tableau and Microsoft’s PowerBI -- powerful tools capable of digging deep into data sets and extracting nuanced information across a range of variables. The only problem is, they weren’t designed to be executive level or client-facing; the user interface requires an [...]
Over the past decade, we as the founders of RockDaisy worked with prominent media and marketing clients such as J. Walter Thompson, Group M and the NFL. Their sponsorship groups were looking to track and monitor the digital ads on display in urban centers, concerts, sporting events and numerous other digital ad campaigns. Time and again, [...]
During our 20+ years building and running the Data Analytics department for the NFL, we were able to observe how data is transmitted from one organization to another. The League Office would provide each team with player contracts, which the teams could then incorporate into their budget forecasting. However, the numbers assigned by the league [...]
During our 20+ years building and running the Data Analytics department for the NFL, we witnessed firsthand how organizations both succeed and fail in the world sports. We saw what works and what doesn’t, and in so doing, we came away with a deeper understanding of how organizations in the business landscape can thrive. After [...]

October 10, 2018


NFL, RockDaisy

Data Analytics

See, Understand and Use Your Data Overview – “Ticket Intelligence” Sports clubs adopt analytics for many reasons, and in so doing they utilize a variety of solutions. All projects, however, maintain the common goal of leveraging analytics to help transform data into insight and action. The primary advantages of centralizing and visualizing data are: improved understanding [...]

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